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Community You Can Believe In

CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER: Morning Minyan & the World Wide Wrap with Men's Club, Followed by Speaker Program!

Sunday, February 9, 2025 11 Shevat 5785

9:00 AM - 9:30 AMBeth El Temple, 2626 Albany Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117

9am - Morning Minyan (Clergy available to assist with tefillin)
We invite you to join us for the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin in a special minyan service celebrating the World Wide Wrap with our Men's Club! 3rd – 7th graders will be invited to make their own set of tefillin thanks to Men's Club as part of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs's (FJMC) "Build a Pair" program.

followed by:
10:30am - FIDF Program with Speaker Dr. Ari Sacher & Female IDF Combat Soldiers 
($18/person, $10/student, $10/Men's Club Member. Note: Men's Club Members should register as a student. Click here to register)

Our 2024 World Wide Wrap!

Each minyan includes Kaddish for those in mourning and those observing yahrzeit and incorporates some English readings. At each service we read a list of names of those loved ones for whom yahrzeit is being observed. Our minyans are very welcoming to those who are saying Kaddish or simply want to sit in the comfort of a prayer community.

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Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785