Ways to Give
Ways to Give
(to donate online now, click here)
Endowment...Support Today - Secure Tomorrow...
The first way you can secure the future of Beth El Temple is by establishing a named Endowment Fund now. Maybe you want to help defray the cost of a program you and your family greatly enjoy. A named fund can be “restricted” to allow the income from that fund to do just that.
Or, an “unrestricted” named fund can have its income applied by the Endowment Trustees across any number of worthy Temple programs to help provide a variety of offerings each year. Establishing a named fund now ensures your legacy and increases the current value of Beth El’s Endowment Fund which allows for immediate benefits to Beth El Temple.
The Endowment Fund of Beth El Temple of West Hartford is a separate 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation whose funds are currently managed by the Jewish Community Foundation as part of their extensive portfolio. The Endowment fund receives and manages all endowment contributions to the synagogue.
In remembrance, there is life...
You might choose to include Beth El Temple in your estate planning. Income from The Endowment Funds at Beth El supports programs that make Beth El much more than simply a place of worship. There are many ways to provide for Beth El in your estate plan:
Charitable Remainder Trusts pay income to you, as the donor, for a fixed amount of time. Afterwards, the remainder is reverted to Beth El.
A Simple Bequest leaves a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate to Beth El. This can be in the form of securities, real estate or cash.
Charitable Lead Trusts pay income to Beth El’s Endowment Fund for a period of time determined by you, the donor. Afterwards the assets are returned to you, your heirs or beneficiaries.
Deferred Gift Annuities are for those who do not currently need extra income, but wish to increase income in later years.
Charitable Gift Annuities provide you, the donor, with a guaranteed fixed income for life. A portion of the annual payment is tax-free. If property is donated, capital gains tax may be distributed over a period of years.
Each of the various gift vehicles mentioned above, offers federal tax incentives to encourage charitable giving. Tax laws and regulations, however, are subject to change, and you should consult with your personal financial or legal advisor before deciding upon a gift.
Habonim Society — A Legacy of Builders
Thousands of people each year turn to gift planning to build the foundation for their philanthropy. Through generous support of the organizations they care about, these individuals provide untold benefits for future generations. Every gift makes a difference, and every person can find a planned gift that’s the right fit... these gifts matter.
The Habonim Society of Beth El Temple was founded to honor members who have established named Endowment funds or have provided for Beth El in their estate plans. Membership is lifetime, complimentary and growing yearly.
Since planned gifts are the ultimate expression of confidence in Beth El Temple, it seemed fitting to name the Endowment recognition society, Habonim which means the Builders. Gifts given by members of the Habonim Society will last in perpetuity thus building a strong future for Beth El Temple. Such support is unique—while planned gifts often give something back to the giver, they also keep giving over decades and even generations, L’dor v’dor. It is only fitting that those who commit to such far-sighted support be recognized.
The Endowment Fund of Beth El Temple of West Hartford, Inc. Officers & Trustees
Abbey Miller Kreinik, President
Joshua B. Gottfried, Treasurer
Naomi Lerner Tussin, Secretary
Lois Koteen
Jerry Leshem
Elliott B. Pollack
Jerry Leshem
Elliott B. Pollack
Frank Resnick
Marc Sussman
Stuart Wachtel
Marc Sussman
Stuart Wachtel
Howard Weiner
If you would like to receive more information about Endowment, or have a
discussion with an Endowment Trustee, please contact the Temple office and
they will put you in touch with a Trustee or email: endowment@bethelwh.org.
discussion with an Endowment Trustee, please contact the Temple office and
they will put you in touch with a Trustee or email: endowment@bethelwh.org.
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Shevat 5785
Upcoming Events
All Events
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025God is Here: Exploring Metaphors for the Divine
Thursday, Feb 13th 6:00p to 7:30p
Join Rabbis Debra Cantor and Rachel Zerin for a hands-on exploration of different metaphors for the Divine. These metaphors are all deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, while broadening the ways we think about, talk about, and relate to God and the idea of the Holy. Inspired by Rabbi Toba Spitzer's book "God is Here: Reimagining the Divine," we will use text study, discussion, writing, art, ritual, and more to think about how language and metaphor shape our experiences - and how language and metaphor can either limit or expand how we experience holiness in our lives. Click in to register! -
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 19 , 2025Studying Dirshuni with Rabbi Rachel Zerin
Wednesday, Feb 19th 6:00p to 7:15p
Join Rabbi Rachel Zerin and Women's Network as we explore both timely and timeless topics through the lens of "Dirshuni: Contemporary Women's Midrash," a book which weaves together ancient Jewish texts and contemporary women's voices. All are welcome, whether it is your first time or you are a regular. All you need is an interest in learning! Snacks will be provided. Note: Evening minyan begins at 5:30 pm (and please join us if you can!). Class will begin at approximately 6:00pm. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 20 , 2025God is Here: Exploring Metaphors for the Divine
Thursday, Feb 20th 6:00p to 7:30p
Join Rabbis Debra Cantor and Rachel Zerin for a hands-on exploration of different metaphors for the Divine. These metaphors are all deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, while broadening the ways we think about, talk about, and relate to God and the idea of the Holy. Inspired by Rabbi Toba Spitzer's book "God is Here: Reimagining the Divine," we will use text study, discussion, writing, art, ritual, and more to think about how language and metaphor shape our experiences - and how language and metaphor can either limit or expand how we experience holiness in our lives. Click in to register! -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025Shababa
Friday, Feb 21st 5:30p to 7:00p
Shababa is a fun, engaging “service” for our youngest generation. All children ~8 and under (and their siblings, parents, and grandparents) are welcome to experience the joy of Shabbat with dancing, singing, stories, prayers and children's dinner. RSVP today! Sponsorship opportunities are available – for just $50 you can celebrate a child’s birthday by sponsoring a Shababa. To sponsor a dinner, please contact Dr. Eliyahu Krigel (ekrigel@bethelwh.org or 860-233-9696). -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 27 , 2025God is Here: Exploring Metaphors for the Divine
Thursday, Feb 27th 6:00p to 7:30p
Join Rabbis Debra Cantor and Rachel Zerin for a hands-on exploration of different metaphors for the Divine. These metaphors are all deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, while broadening the ways we think about, talk about, and relate to God and the idea of the Holy. Inspired by Rabbi Toba Spitzer's book "God is Here: Reimagining the Divine," we will use text study, discussion, writing, art, ritual, and more to think about how language and metaphor shape our experiences - and how language and metaphor can either limit or expand how we experience holiness in our lives. Click in to register!
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Shevat 5785
Contact Us
Beth El Temple
2626 Albany Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
Office Hours:
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Monday-Thursday: 8:30am - 4pm
Friday: 8:30am - 2:30pm
SULAM Beth El Educational Program:
Upcoming Events
All Events
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025God is Here: Exploring Metaphors for the Divine
Thursday, Feb 13th 6:00p to 7:30p
Join Rabbis Debra Cantor and Rachel Zerin for a hands-on exploration of different metaphors for the Divine. These metaphors are all deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, while broadening the ways we think about, talk about, and relate to God and the idea of the Holy. Inspired by Rabbi Toba Spitzer's book "God is Here: Reimagining the Divine," we will use text study, discussion, writing, art, ritual, and more to think about how language and metaphor shape our experiences - and how language and metaphor can either limit or expand how we experience holiness in our lives. Click in to register! -
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 19 , 2025Studying Dirshuni with Rabbi Rachel Zerin
Wednesday, Feb 19th 6:00p to 7:15p
Join Rabbi Rachel Zerin and Women's Network as we explore both timely and timeless topics through the lens of "Dirshuni: Contemporary Women's Midrash," a book which weaves together ancient Jewish texts and contemporary women's voices. All are welcome, whether it is your first time or you are a regular. All you need is an interest in learning! Snacks will be provided. Note: Evening minyan begins at 5:30 pm (and please join us if you can!). Class will begin at approximately 6:00pm. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 20 , 2025God is Here: Exploring Metaphors for the Divine
Thursday, Feb 20th 6:00p to 7:30p
Join Rabbis Debra Cantor and Rachel Zerin for a hands-on exploration of different metaphors for the Divine. These metaphors are all deeply rooted in Jewish tradition, while broadening the ways we think about, talk about, and relate to God and the idea of the Holy. Inspired by Rabbi Toba Spitzer's book "God is Here: Reimagining the Divine," we will use text study, discussion, writing, art, ritual, and more to think about how language and metaphor shape our experiences - and how language and metaphor can either limit or expand how we experience holiness in our lives. Click in to register! -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025Shababa
Friday, Feb 21st 5:30p to 7:00p
Shababa is a fun, engaging “service” for our youngest generation. All children ~8 and under (and their siblings, parents, and grandparents) are welcome to experience the joy of Shabbat with dancing, singing, stories, prayers and children's dinner. RSVP today! Sponsorship opportunities are available – for just $50 you can celebrate a child’s birthday by sponsoring a Shababa. To sponsor a dinner, please contact Dr. Eliyahu Krigel (ekrigel@bethelwh.org or 860-233-9696).
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